Baja Retreat Testimonial, March 2016 | Chelsea Rosenbloom

In a world of mundane living, SurfYogaBeer brings you back to a full life through extraordinary, unconventional, and most of all, beautiful connections. Although our trip to Mision Viejo, Mexico was only a few short days, the experience was nothing less than incredible; something that I will cherish always.
Our adventure began with a quick gathering at SYB CoFounder Nathan’s beach cottage. Upon arrival, we all began bonding with our hello’s, basic introductions, and through chatting about all of our hopes for our weekend travels. It wasn’t long before we were all loaded up in our 15-person van. We brought enough booze to drown a small town, fresh fruit for days, and the best souls anyone could ask for.
One wouldn’t assume that in just over 48 hours you could gain an entirely new perspective on yourself and on life, but it happened to me, and it most entirely will happen to you when traveling with SurfYogaBeer. How you may ask?
1. Being nervous or afraid means something really great is about to happen, don’t fight it.
2. There are people out there who will still talk to you and like you without any make-up on.
3. Tequila and salsa dancing is the best cure for anything.
4. Sometimes it’s okay to pour your heart out to complete strangers.
5. Nothing is greater than a good sweat, a hard workout, and a hot jacuzzi.
6. Again, jacuzzi’s are glorious.
7. Watching the ocean is the best reminder that whatever is plaguing you will always pass, and life will always go on.
8. You’re never too old to play on a trampoline with your friends.
9. The best things in life are free, and they most definitely aren’t ’things'.
10. Never, ever, be afraid to try something new... you never know how it will change your life.
To sum it all up, 48 hours was all that it took for SurfYogaBeer to bring a new light into my life, and new perspective on living that I will never forget. In 48 hours, I laughed more than I have in months, created friendships of a lifetime, danced my booty off, and found a part of myself that I’ve been searching my whole life for. SurfYogaBeer brings people together, teaches you mindful living, and takes you to breathtaking places you would never otherwise experience… you get opportunities to try amazing local foods, get outside and get active, unplug from the demands of everyday life, and connect with others on a level that cannot be replicated. Needless to say, when you travel with these amazing humans and with SurfYogaBeer, you return with a whole new perspective on life, love, community, and purpose (oh, and a really good tan).
Chelsea Rosenbloom
Posted on Thu 17 Mar 2016