Quick Surf Hacks

Did you really think we would call ourselves SurfYogaBeer and not drop some fire surf knowledge on you? We chatted with some of our SYB resident wave gods to get you a few of their top tips for beginners and wave shredders alike. The water is warm, and the waves are breaking. Surf’s up, dudes.
Location, Location, Location
SYB knows a thing or two about prime wave-catching spots. A few of our favorite places to jet off for unparalleled surf are Playa Maderas, Nicaragua, Nosara, Costa Rica, Sayulita, Mexico, and El Zonte, El Salvador. Don’t say we didn’t tell you so.
Pop-up Combo
We also know a thing or two about yoga, and believe it or not, getting yourself into an upward-facing dog straight to a burpee jump is one of the best ways to perfect your pop-up. This combo helps you avoid using your knee, which is a major no-no (though beginners may be allowed to chicken leg).
BBE (Big Board Energy)
Size matters and big boards are back in style. Even if you’re a pro, and definitely as a beginner, grab that long soft board at the surf shop and proudly tear up the waves with it.
Get In Position
The key to avoiding a nose-dive is to make sure your ribs are in the center of the board when you’re paddling out. Too far forward or backward is a surefire way for your butt to end up in the water.
Strip It Down
Take it back to the basics once in a while, regardless of how many waves you’ve shredded. Keeping your placement and pop-up tight will only improve your skills.
Don’t Think, Just Do
Get in there, no reservations. Spend less time walking your board into the water and more time paddling. This means also throwing in a few extra paddles before your pop-up.
Check It Out
Watch the waves and other surfers before jumping right in. If you're a beginner, you may want to avoid a day with strong rips or big party waves. Once you’re in the water, visualize yourself popping up and riding the wave. If you can see it, you can achieve it.
Patience and Perseverance
You’re gonna get beat down, and you may swallow some salt, but you have to consistently keep getting back up. As with any skill, becoming a wave god takes practice. Be patient with yourself; it’s all part of the fun.
Safety First
Cover your head when you fall off your board. You never know if or when another one could be coming at you.
Be Confident
As in life, confidence is key. Don’t let the waves smell fear. That being said, know your limits. Avoid going to areas you can’t handle just to impress the other surfers. Nobody’s having a good time there.
Surf Etiquette 101
If you see another surfer about to take a wave, let them have it. The right one for you will always come along.
Get Schooled
Who you learn from can make or break your experience. Booking lessons with an instructor the first few times you’re on a board is key to properly riding waves. Rebelde Surf School Nicaragua in Playa Maderas, Nicaragua, Puro Surf Academy and Alex Novoa in El Zonte, El Salvador, Lunazul Surf School and Shop in Sayulita, Mexico, Nosara Tico Surf School in Nosara, Costa Rica, Kermit Siargao Surf School in Siargao, Philippines, Sunset Surf Dominical in Dominical, Costa Rica, and Rincón Surf School in Rincón, Puerto Rico are some of our favs that will have you shredding in no time.
Have a freakin’ blast. The best surfers are the ones out there having the most fun.
We’ll see you soon on one of our surf adventures. We can’t wait to catch a few waves with you.
Posted on Mon 17 Jan 2022 · by Katie Bauer