SYB Leader Q&A: Steph Currie

How has the community aspect of SYB changed your life?
I’ve met some of my BEST friends on SYB trips. I have friends all over the country/world that I will pick up the phone and call as if I have known them my whole life. Reality is, all it takes is a few days in the right environment (workouts, sweats, beers, late-night chats) to make a lifelong connection.
You started a routine last year of taking early morning coffee strolls. What’s been the best part of doing this?
Having a solid morning routine has changed my life. I set an early alarm, pour a cup of coffee, and head out the door first thing. The combo of moving in fresh air and pumping caffeine into my bod has me awake and energized by the time I ‘start’ my day. Highly recommend!
What's been a highlight of your month with SYB Remote?
You know when you go on vacation and feel like you need to pack the MOST into each day? It’s not like that here. It’s a relaxed vibe where we are productive in the mornings/early afternoons, then dance our way across the beach to the bar for some sunset beers. Life is in BALANCE here.
Did you ever see yourself doing what you’re doing now?
Absolutely not! Traveling the world, meeting insanely cool people, and living off adventure? I feel super grateful every damn day.
What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining an SYB trip for the first time?
1. If you have made it this far, you already know you should take the leap of faith and COME!
2. Do it alone! People always assume they need to book with a buddy, but I highly, highly encourage you to come alone. This is the best place to be who you want to be (your best self). There is zero judgment here, only open arms and hearts!
What’s it like being the resident SYB Babe Leader?
LOL who said that!?
Favorite cocktail: Spicy marg
Favorite quote: "Always down to clown"
The most interesting thing you learned in 2021: I’m not a city girl
Ideal weekend plans: Epic adventure with a side of cocktails
Unpopular opinion: Onions are the best vegetable
Movie that made you cry: Basically every movie #wimp
Posted on Fri 29 Apr 2022 · by Katie Bauer