Ten Years Across The Globe with SYB

I remember the entire decade of incredible insanity like it was yesterday. However, the origin story is one for the ages.
The year: 2014. The location: East Village, New York City.
It was still winter because the air was crisp and cold, and I had just met the legend Mantas a few months prior in San Diego while escaping the snow to visit a friend. Naturally, that first run-in involved the beach, a shirtless Mantas jumping into a friend's Jeep, a failed-surf-expedition-turned-jet-ski-excursion, and beer, believe it all as you may.
Serendipitously, the best part was that neither of us lived in San Diego either; both unknowingly lived within five blocks of each other some 3000 miles away in NYC, which makes it all even more random and perfect. Fast forward a few months, little did we know a few sloppy Soul Cycle spin sessions on my behalf, a metric ton of tacos, and a wild Halloween party in between, we'd both be standing in my freezing cold apartment not only about to unleash a fitness travel & adventure company but one that would quite literally change my life for the better too.
Thinking back to that day, the random text message was simple: "Hey, Shriner, you do marketing and P.R.…I have a business idea to run past you. I'll come over to your apt tonight after my last class. I'll bring some baked ziti one of my riders made for me, and we'll have dinner and talk."
Nosara, Costa Rica - 2014
A few hours later and holding a plate of freshly heated pasta, the idea, vision, and name were clear from the first pitch: "So, I'm thinking the name of the company is Surf. Yoga. Beer. The idea is we'll do literally all those things all over the world and create a community of active, like-minded people that love to travel, sweat, and party."
Nodding with a grin, I believe my response was something to the tune of: "Uhhhhh, not only will I help you launch this beast, I'm friggin' down to join the team!" or some combination of those words, likely with an excited expletive or two intermixed.
Never, ever could I imagine the most incredible and fulfilling decade that would follow from a single meeting with Mantas, one that would not only kickstart a global fitness adventure company and a lifelong friendship with the King Caveman himself but countless other friendships and other ventures as well.
Havana, Cuba - 2017
Fast Forward: A Decade of Adventure
I've somewhat lost count, but I have logged at least 25 adventures across the globe since 2014, which dwarfs in comparison to what Mantas has achieved in the same timeframe. My first trip was to Costa Rica, then quickly afterward to the Amalfi Coast, followed by Belize, Cuba, and a couple of trips to Nicaragua, all within a 2-3 year window.
I was hooked; the travel bug was real, and not only did I want to do more right away (up to 2-3+ trips per year, in fact), but we also wanted to start some grassroots efforts to expand the SYB community footprint.
Chamonix - 2023
So from there, we were off to the races with local events in the U.S., which means likely 50+ special experiences over the years, such as HIIT classes in NYC, outdoor yoga sessions, run clubs, and other social events in six different cities, Goat Yoga (GOGA), numerous "no sweat" happy hours, and a few weekend adventures in upstate New York.
The past 10 years have truly been SurfYogaBeer's Age of Adventure, and there was no stopping that rocketship on its trajectory (except for a casual global pandemic, but even that couldn't hold back the trips and travels).
Altogether, that's a copious amount of flights, miles run, laughs shared, tequila and beer consumed, and buckets of much-earned blood, sweat, and tears shed, not to mention the hundreds, thousands of friendships, relationships, business ventures, engagements, marriages and even babies that can all be traced back to some SurfYogaBeer beginnings.
It's been worth it all a thousand times over, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
SYB Today & The Next Decade of Discovery
Wise people say it's never about the destination; it's about the journey.
Well, SurfYogaBeer is a living testament to that sage phrase, and I couldn't be more grateful to have witnessed it all with my own eyes and from the very beginning. I'm honored to have watched it grow and evolve from its humble beginnings in a living room in Greenwich Village on Sullivan St. and in so many other ways over the years.
Likewise, I feel on many levels we're just getting started too. Starting in 2025, we have so many exciting programs to usher into the next 10 years of excellence, including new trips and events each year, doubling down on local events and experiences across the U.S., as well as perhaps bringing back some classic adventures from way back when to offer some extra variety.
Additionally, the leadership at SYB is as intact, focused, and inspired as ever. We're in the mix of a new leadership academy to bring even more into the fold and expand operations, as well as further bolstering the previous Yoga Teacher Training offering, which has produced so many incredible SYB yogis, trainers, and overall leaders as a result.
Lastly, and most importantly, to Mantas: I'm proud of your Day 1 vision for SurfYogaBeer. I'm stoked you let me join the party; I'm proud of all that we've built over the years, through the thick and the thin, all the trials and tribulations (including that friggin' global pandemic), and more than anything, I'm proud of you and your insatiable drive and work ethic toward building this wonderful community of like-mind adventure seekers. It really has been an incredible journey, brother.
And by the way, Mantas…I totally won that Caveman Award in my second year in Amalfi. You absolutely cheated, dude!!!
So here-here, onwards and upwards, SYB. Cheers to another decade of discovery ahead!
Nicaragua Remote - 2023
Posted on Tue 12 Nov 2024 · by Mike Shriner